handjobs /

tall it to the mayor
several builds ago


Saturday, December 26, 2009

I've got a gift card for a coffee

And it began a prolific period of the Author's life; a fiction, but the honesty of destruction nonetheless. It seemed, so it was, to radiate from a clear-stomached well-spring of possibility, "oh ha ha, the well-springs of creativity. Our young fertile intellects!" A joke, of course, but find something spectacular that isn't. He put onto paper for no one for the first time. The acceptance that thought was a fairytale. Not to write but to dance cosmically with energetic language. Laughing. "There really is nothing," he said into the room. The stereo in the corner. "Everything's always been a fight, and it will continue to be, but right now, I'm looking under your skirt universe, and baby I'm turned on!" The Reader throws/throughs the piece down in disgust, "What a pervert!" But having liked at least part of the sentiment picks it back up again. "Oh this just isn't me anymore." "Of course not!" snarls the page, "and(nothing((is)just))like you))." "You're still feeling clever aren't you? Oh-ho no my lad. Really GIVE UP!" The Reader at this point flings the pages across the room, makes a lunge at understanding, but ultimately huffs, "Oh you're getting clever again, you see. You should never have eaten. It turned everything back to stone again. Boooring!" The slap of an arm knocks it off, but to no avail. The Author slumps back in his head. He sighs, digests his food dejected, and takes up again a consciousness of language and its trappings; operating it, not dancing it any longer. "I'm through!" "You're out the other end you bastard! You said you'd never change!" -the Reader, suddenly an ardent supporter, "Don't give up let(s) go!" A dark. A murk. No, unfortunately it's the light of day. Remind yourself that you're a young man and take nothing to heart, Someone said something to you once. Remember? No.1 Rule? Have fun. "It's okay you can interact off the corners of the page." "Would never fault a guy for finding out. Hey, he's just making sure here. C'mon guys let's go." Therefore, nothing to take in for a spell. Remember all the things that aint no more (remember the Civil War?) "Yeah some of em." But it was never about theft.